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The process for loading dynamic library functions in C++ involves the following steps:

  1. Include the header file of the library in your C++ code.

  2. Declare a function pointer that will point to the function in the dynamic library you want to use.

  3. Load the library into memory using the dynamic library loading function provided by your operating system (e.g. dlopen() on Linux).

  4. Use the library function to get a pointer to the function you want to use (e.g. dlsym() on Linux).

  5. Assign the pointer to your function pointer declared in step 2.

  6. Now, you can use the function through the function pointer.

  7. After you are done using the function, you should free the library from memory to avoid memory leaks (e.g. dlclose() on Linux).

It is important to note that the steps may vary depending on your operating system and the specific library you are using.