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To use Doctrine ODM query to search for documents, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a query builder object from the ODM manager, like this:

$qb = $dm->createQueryBuilder('AppBundle:Document');

  1. Decide on the query criteria you would like to use, for example finding all documents created by a specific user:


  1. Add additional criteria as needed, such as searching by date or other fields. You can also use operators like >, <, or in:

$qb->field('createdDate')->lt($someDate)->field('status')->in(['draft', 'pending']);

  1. Finally, execute the query and retrieve the matching documents:

$documents = $qb->getQuery()->execute();

This will give you an array of documents that match your query criteria. You can iterate over this array and perform any additional actions on each document as needed.