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There are several ways you can make a class more significant or essential by using CSS:

  1. Increase specificity: Use a more specific selector to target the element. For example, instead of using ".button" for your button class, use ".submit-button" to increase its specificity.

  2. Use !important: Add the !important keyword to the end of the CSS style to give it higher priority over other styles that may be applied to the same element.

  3. Add inline styles: You can also add inline styles directly to the HTML element, which will take precedence over any styles defined in the CSS stylesheet.

  4. Use CSS frameworks: CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or Foundation provide pre-defined classes that are already styled and can help make your element stand out.

  5. Use pseudo-classes: You can use pseudo-classes like :hover or :active to add special effects to your element, making it more noticeable.

Overall, using a combination of these techniques can make a class more significant or essential in your CSS.