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There are several ways to combine Spring Boot Thymeleaf and Vue.js, but here is a basic process to get started:

  1. Create a Spring Boot project: Set up a Spring Boot project using your preferred IDE or command line tool.

  2. Add Thymeleaf dependencies: Add the Thymeleaf dependencies to your project, so you can use its templating engine in your HTML files.

  3. Set up your layout and templates: Create your HTML layout and templates using Thymeleaf. Use Thymeleaf syntax to inject dynamic data into your HTML files.

  4. Add Vue.js to your project: Add the Vue.js library to your project. You can do this by including the Vue.js file in your HTML file or by using a package manager.

  5. Create Vue components: Create Vue components that correspond to the different sections of your Thymeleaf HTML templates. The Vue components will handle client-side interactions with the page.

  6. Mount Vue to your HTML: Mount the Vue app to your HTML DOM in the appropriate Thymeleaf template.

  7. Use Axios to communicate with back-end: Use Axios (or another appropriate API library) to communicate with your back-end server.

  8. Test your application: Test your application to ensure that all the components work together as expected.

  9. Deploy your application: Deploy your application to your desired web hosting service.

These are just the basic steps to combine Spring Boot Thymeleaf and Vue.js. Depending on your specific project requirements, you may need to adjust this process to fit your needs.