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AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL (extract, transform, load) service that makes it easy to move data between various data sources and destinations. It provides a central platform where you can automate the process of cleaning, enriching, and transforming data from disparate sources into a cohesive and queryable database.

The AWS Glue Connector for Elasticsearch is a component of AWS Glue that enables you to connect to and extract data from an Elasticsearch cluster. It allows you to perform data integration tasks such as indexing, searching, and aggregating data from an Amazon Elasticsearch cluster. The connector also supports multiple data formats, including JSON, CSV, and Parquet.

The significance of AWS Glue and the AWS Glue Connector for Elasticsearch is that they simplify and automate the process of data integration, making it easier for businesses to extract value from their data. The combination of AWS Glue and the Elasticsearch connector can greatly reduce the time and effort required to transform and store data from disparate sources, enabling teams to focus on extracting insights and making faster and more informed decisions.