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To map JSON output onto Data Fusion in GCP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new pipeline in Data Fusion and add a source plugin.

  2. Choose the appropriate data source type, such as JSON.

  3. Specify the path or URL of the JSON output file that you want to ingest.

  4. Configure the plugin settings, such as the delimiter and the fields to include in the output.

  5. Add a transformation plugin to the pipeline.

  6. Choose the appropriate transformation type, such as JSON to Relational.

  7. Configure the plugin settings, such as the input and output fields and the schema.

  8. Run the pipeline to ingest the JSON output into Data Fusion and transform it into a more structured format.

  9. Verify that the data has been correctly loaded and is available for further processing.

By following these steps, you can easily map JSON output onto Data Fusion in GCP and leverage the power of this powerful data integration and processing platform.