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Here are the steps to customize the Vue input component according to your requirements:

  1. Determine what changes you want to make - Before you start customizing the component you need to determine what changes you want to make. This can include changing the colors, fonts, styles, or adding new features.

  2. Create a new Vue component - You can create a new Vue component by using the Vue CLI or manually creating the files. Once you have created the new component, you can customize it to meet your requirements.

  3. Import the component - Once you have created the new component, you need to import it into your project. You can do this by adding an import statement in your code.

  4. Modify the template - In order to customize the input component, you need to modify the template of the component. This can include adding HTML elements or modifying existing ones.

  5. Add styling - To customize the input component's appearance, you can add CSS styling to the component. You can either include the styling within the component or import it from an external CSS file.

  6. Add new functionality - If you want to add new functionality to the input component, you can do so by adding new methods, event listeners, or props.

  7. Use the customized component - Once you have completed the customization of the input component, you can use it in your project by including it in the relevant templates using the component tag.