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There could be several reasons for the constructor and functions not functioning in C++. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Syntax errors: Syntax errors in the constructor or functions could prevent them from functioning properly. Make sure that the syntax and formatting of the code is correct.

  2. Not invoking the constructor: The constructor may not be invoked properly. Check for proper initialization of the object using the constructor.

  3. Incorrect function parameters: Make sure that the function parameters match the expected data types and number of arguments.

  4. Undefined or uninitialized variables: Uninitialized or undefined variables used in the constructor or functions can also cause them to not work properly.

  5. Incorrect function signatures: The function signature or declaration may be incorrect, which can lead to the function not being recognized by the compiler.

  6. Incorrect access modifiers: Check that the access modifiers (public, private, or protected) are set correctly for the constructor and functions.

  7. Compilation or linking errors: Errors during compilation or linking can also prevent the constructor and functions from functioning properly. Check the output window for error messages, and ensure that all necessary library files are included.