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There could be several reasons why the toast notification is not appearing in your app. Here are a few things you can check:

  1. Check if the notification code is being called: Make sure that the code which generates the toast notification is being called in the correct place in your app. You may need to use a debugger or log statements to verify this.

  2. Check if the notification permission is granted: In order to display a toast notification, your app needs permission from the user to show notifications. Make sure that your app has asked for permission and that it has been granted.

  3. Check if the notification settings are configured correctly: The user may have disabled notifications for your app or may have configured the settings in a way that is preventing the toast from being displayed. Check the notification settings for your app on the device to ensure that they are configured correctly.

  4. Check the device compatibility: Some devices may not support toast notifications or may require additional configuration. Check the device compatibility to ensure that it supports toast notifications.

If none of these solutions work, there may be an issue with the code of the app or with the device itself. Consider seeking assistance from a developer or tech support team.