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  1. Serial Communication: With the help of serial communication, PHP can send data to Arduino via USB.

  2. Ethernet/Wi-Fi: Another popular way to transfer data is via Ethernet/Wi-Fi. You can build a web-based interface that sends data to the Arduino via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

  3. Bluetooth: BT has become an important component of modern electronics, and you can use it to transfer data from PHP to Arduino.

  4. IR Communication: Another popular method is to use an infrared (IR) transmitter and receiver to send and receive data between PHP and Arduino.

  5. I2C/SPI Protocols: Another method to transfer data is via I2C/SPI, which are two-wire serial communication protocols.

  6. MQTT Protocol: Messaging Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is a lightweight protocol that is ideal for transferring data between PHP and Arduino.