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The most common way to avoid redirection when using Keycloak with SPA (Single Page Application) is to use the OpenID Connect Implicit Flow. This flow allows the application to receive an access token directly from the authorization server without the need to perform a server-to-server exchange of the authorization code. This means that the user stays in the SPA throughout the authentication and authorization process, without the need for any redirection.

To implement the Implicit Flow, the SPA needs to be configured as an OpenID Connect client in Keycloak, and the Keycloak server needs to support the Implicit Flow. The SPA can then initiate the authentication process by redirecting the user to the Keycloak login page, where they can enter their credentials. Once authenticated, Keycloak will redirect the user back to the SPA with an access token in the response, which can be used to access protected resources on the server.

Another option is to use the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow, where the SPA can obtain an access token directly from the authorization server without any user interaction. This flow can be used when the client is trusted and there is no need for user authentication or authorization.

Overall, the key to avoiding redirection when using Keycloak with SPA is to choose the appropriate authentication and authorization flow based on the application's needs and security requirements.