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There could be several reasons behind the occurrence of garbage values when transmitting large amounts of text from a server process to a client. Some of the common reasons are:

  1. Buffer overflow: This happens when more data is written to a buffer than it can hold. In such cases, the extra data may overwrite adjacent memory locations, resulting in garbage values.

  2. Endianness: Endianness refers to the order in which bytes are stored in memory. If the server and client have different endianness, it can cause byte order issues, leading to garbage data.

  3. Data corruption: Data can get corrupted due to various reasons, such as network errors, hardware failures, or software bugs. Corrupted data can cause garbage values to appear in the output.

  4. Improper encoding: If the text is not encoded or decoded correctly, it can result in invalid characters or garbage values.

  5. Misaligned data: Some protocols require data to be aligned on specific boundaries. If the data is not aligned correctly, it can cause data to be misinterpreted, resulting in garbage values.