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To match two values from a string in PHP using regular expressions, you can use the preg_match function. Here's an example with a regular expression that matches two values:

$string = 'This is a string with two values: 123 and abc.';
$pattern = '/(\d+)\s+and\s+(\w+)/';
if (preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches)) {
    echo $matches[1]; // output: 123
    echo $matches[2]; // output: abc

In this example, the regular expression pattern '/(\d+)\s+and\s+(\w+)/' matches a sequence of digits, followed by the word "and", and then a sequence of alphabetic characters (letters). The parentheses capture the matched values as groups, which are stored in the $matches array passed to preg_match. Finally, the two matched values are output using the $matches array.