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Here are a few ways to prevent the ImageView from overlapping with the rounded edges of the NestedScrollView in Android:

  1. Add padding to the NestedScrollView:

You can add padding to the NestedScrollView to create a buffer zone between the ImageView and the rounded edges. To do this, add the following attribute to your NestedScrollView in your XML layout file:


This will add 10dp of padding to all sides of the NestedScrollView.

  1. Use a RelativeLayout or ConstraintLayout:

Using a RelativeLayout or ConstraintLayout can help you position the ImageView more precisely, so it does not overlap with the rounded edges of the NestedScrollView. You can set the ImageView to be below or above the NestedScrollView, or align it to the sides of the parent layout.

  1. Use a FrameLayout:

A FrameLayout can also be useful for positioning the ImageView in a way that prevents it from overlapping with the rounded edges of the NestedScrollView. You can add the ImageView as a child of the FrameLayout, and then position it within the layout using the layout_gravity attribute.

  1. Use clipToPadding attribute:

You can use the clipToPadding attribute in the NestedScrollView to prevent the contents of the scroll view from overlapping with the padding. Add the following attribute to your NestedScrollView in your XML layout file:


This will clip the contents of the NestedScrollView to the padding, preventing any overlap with the rounded edges.