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This error message typically means that the user running the script does not have the necessary privileges to use the "-u" option with Crontab.

To resolve the issue, you can try one of the following:

  1. Run the script as a privileged user, such as root or a user with sudo privileges. This way, the user has the necessary permissions to use the "-u" option with Crontab.

  2. Modify the permissions of the Crontab executable to allow the current user to use the "-u" option. On Unix-based systems, you can use the chmod command to modify the permissions of the Crontab executable. You can give the necessary permissions to the user running the script by running:

$ sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/crontab

This command sets the setuid bit for the Crontab executable, allowing the current user to execute Crontab with root privileges.

  1. Modify the script to not use the "-u" option with Crontab. Depending on the specific use case, it may be possible to achieve the same result without using the "-u" option.

Note that modifying the permissions of system executables or running scripts as privileged users can introduce security risks, so be sure to carefully consider the implications of these solutions before implementing them.