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Yes, it is possible to set a newcallable for each patch in patch.multiple. You can pass a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the target object, the attribute to patch, the new value or the patch function, and an optional newcallable for that specific patch. Here's an example:

from unittest.mock import patch

class MyClass:
    def my_method(self):
        return "original value"

def my_mock():
    return "mocked value"

def my_new_callable(original_method):
    def my_patch(*args, **kwargs):
        return "patched value"
    return my_patch

with patch.multiple(MyClass, 
                    ("my_method", my_mock, my_new_callable),
                    ("my_other_method", "new value")):
    obj = MyClass()
    assert obj.my_method() == "mocked value"
    assert obj.my_other_method == "new value"

In this example, we're using patch.multiple to patch two different attributes of MyClass: mymethod and myothermethod. For mymethod, we're using a mock function (mymock) and a newcallable function (mynewcallable). The new_callable will be used to create a new patch function that will replace the original method.