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One way to adjust the size of a custom Shape to fit a frame is by using the GeometryReader view modifier to get the dimensions of the frame and then calculating the appropriate scale factor.

Here's an example:

struct MyShape: Shape {
    func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
        // Define the path of your custom shape

struct MyShapeView: View {
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in

extension Shape {
    func scaleToFit(_ size: CGSize) -> some View {
        let scaleFactor = min(size.width / self.boundingRect.width, size.height / self.boundingRect.height)
        return self.scale(scaleFactor)

In this example, we define a custom MyShape that we want to fit inside a frame. We then use the GeometryReader to get the dimensions of the frame and pass it to a custom view modifier scaleToFit, which calculates the appropriate scale factor using the boundingRect property of the Shape. Finally, we apply the calculated scale factor to the Shape using the scale modifier.

Note that if your custom Shape is not centered at (0, 0), you may need to adjust its position after scaling to ensure that it is aligned correctly within the frame.