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initial version
  1. Avoid unnecessary updates - Limit unnecessary updates to the UI while the keyboard is open by memoizing or using PureComponent components.

  2. Use keyboardDismissMode - Use keyboardDismissMode to dismiss the keyboard when a user taps outside of the text input field.

  3. Use KeyboardAvoidingView - Use KeyboardAvoidingView to shift the view up when the keyboard is open.

  4. Use windowSoftInputMode - Use android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" to prevent the entire screen from resizing when the keyboard is open.

  5. Use TextInput props - Use props such as blurOnSubmit, returnKeyLabel, autoCorrect, autoCapitalize, and keyboardType to control the behavior of text input fields.

  6. Disable all other UI elements - Disable all other UI elements while the keyboard is open to prevent unwanted user interactions.

  7. Use third-party libraries - Use third-party libraries such as react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view or react-native-keyboard-manager to manage the keyboard and prevent any unexpected interactions.