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There are a few ways to prevent freezing when using Task.Wait in C#:

  1. Use asynchronous programming: Instead of using Task.Wait, consider using async/await syntax so that the code can execute asynchronously, without blocking the main thread.

  2. Use Task.Run: If you have a long-running operation, consider running it on a separate thread using Task.Run, and then await the result using async/await.

  3. Use TaskCompletionSource: Instead of waiting for a task to complete, use TaskCompletionSource to create a new Task that will complete when a certain condition is met. This allows you to create non-blocking code that can be monitored and controlled.

  4. Use CancellationToken: When waiting for a task to complete, you can specify a CancellationToken that allows you to cancel the operation if it takes too long. This prevents the code from freezing indefinitely.