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To set up Swagger Codegen to generate an error response for an enum field that does not match, you can follow these steps:

  1. Specify the valid enum values in the OpenAPI/Swagger specification using the enum keyword in the schema definition for the field.


    type: string
    enum: [draft, published, archived]
  1. Add the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin to your project's pom.xml file.


            <!-- plugin configuration options -->
  1. Configure the plugin to use a custom template for the error response.


  1. Create a custom template for the error response using the errorModel.mustache file.


  "message": "Invalid value for {{fieldName}}. Allowed values: {{allowedValues}}",
  "code": 400
  1. Run the generate-sources goal of the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin to generate the Java code and the custom error response template.


mvn swagger-codegen:generate
  1. Use the generated Java code to implement your API endpoint and handle errors for fields that do not match the enum.


public Response exampleApiMethod(RequestBody requestBody) {
  try {
    // Validate the request body

    // Process the request

    // Return a successful response
    return Response.ok().build();
  } catch (ValidationException e) {
    // Return a custom error response for the invalid enum value
    return Response
      .entity(renderErrorResponse(e.getFieldName(), e.getAllowedValues()))

private void validateRequestBody(RequestBody requestBody) throws ValidationException {
  // Validate the enum field values
  validateEnumField("status", requestBody.getStatus(), "draft", "published", "archived");

private void validateEnumField(String fieldName, String fieldValue, String... allowedValues) throws ValidationException {
  if (!Arrays.asList(allowedValues).contains(fieldValue)) {
    throw new ValidationException(fieldName, Arrays.asList(allowedValues));

private String renderErrorResponse(String fieldName, List<String> allowedValues) {
  Map<String, Object> errorModel = new HashMap<>();
  errorModel.put("fieldName", fieldName);
  errorModel.put("allowedValues", String.join(",", allowedValues));
  return MustacheFactory

Note: This example assumes that you have already implemented a RequestBody class to represent the request body of your API endpoint. The code for the ValidationException class and the processRequest() method is omitted for brevity.