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Django EAV or Entity-Attribute-Value is a design pattern that allows flexibility in adding new attributes to an entity without modifying the database schema. In Django, this can be implemented through the django-eav package.

To utilize Django EAV within the models, follow these steps:

  1. Install the django-eav package

    pip install django-eav

  2. Add 'eav' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in

    INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'eav', ]

  3. Create a new model that extends EAVEntity

    from eav.models import EAVEntity

    class MyEntity(EAVEntity): pass

  4. Define the attributes that can be added to the entity using EAVAttribute

    from eav.models import EAVAttribute

    class MyAttribute(EAVAttribute): pass

  5. Add the attributes to the entity using the addeavvalue method

    entity = MyEntity.objects.create()

    attr = MyAttribute.objects.create(name='my_attribute')

    entity.addeavvalue(attr, 'my_value')

  6. Get the attributes of an entity using the eav attribute


This way, you can utilize Django EAV within the models to add flexible attributes to entities without modifying the database schema.