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Programming a search and replace function in PDF files involves several steps:

  1. Create a user interface: Create a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to input the text they want to search for, and the text they want to replace it with.

  2. Convert PDF to plaintext: Use a third-party library to convert the PDF file into a plaintext format. This makes it easier to search and manipulate the text.

  3. Search for text: Use regular expressions or other text searching techniques to find the text that matches the user's search query.

  4. Replace text: Once the text has been found, use string manipulation techniques to replace the original text with the new text provided by the user.

  5. Convert back to PDF: After the search and replace function is complete, convert the plaintext back into PDF format.

  6. Save and export: Allow the user to save and export the modified PDF file.