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To plot S-parameters using MATLAB's RF Toolbox, follow the steps below:

  1. Load the S-parameters data into MATLAB. You can use the 'read' function of the RF Toolbox to do this.

  2. Create an 'rfdata' object in MATLAB to represent the S-parameters data. You can use the 'rfdata' function of the RF Toolbox to do this.

  3. Use the 'plot' function of the RF Toolbox to plot the S-parameters. Specify the frequency range as well as the S-parameter type (S11, S21, etc.) in the plot function. You can also customize the plot with different color schemes, markers, and labels.

Here is an example code snippet:

% Load S-parameters data from a Touchstone file
sparams = read(,'file_path.s2p');

% Create an rfdata object
rfdata_obj =,sparams.Frequencies,sparams.Data);

% Plot S-parameters

This code loads S-parameters data from a Touchstone file, creates an 'rfdata' object, and plots the S21 parameter using the 'plot' function of the RF Toolbox.