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Regular expressions can be used in various programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP to eliminate text from an HTML node. Here's a general approach to removing text from an HTML node using regular expressions:

  1. First, select the HTML node you want to remove text from using a DOM manipulation method like getElementById, querySelector, or getElementsByTagName.

  2. Convert the HTML node into a text string using the innerHTML or innerText property.

  3. Use a regular expression to remove the text you want to eliminate. The regular expression should match the text you want to remove and replace it with an empty string. For example, to remove any text enclosed in tags, you could use the following regular expression: /\<[^\>]*\>/g.

  4. Finally, update the HTML node with the modified text using the innerHTML or innerText property.

Here's an example of how you can use regular expressions in JavaScript to remove all content inside an HTML <script> tag:

// Select the HTML script node
const scriptNode = document.querySelector('script');

// Convert the node into a text string
let scriptText = scriptNode.innerHTML;

// Use regex to remove all content inside the script tag
scriptText = scriptText.replace(/<script[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi, '');

// Update the script node with the modified text
scriptNode.innerHTML = scriptText;

This code will remove all content inside the script tag without touching the rest of the HTML document.