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You can use Imagemagick to eliminate a blurry background in a series of images by following these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the images you want to edit.

  2. Install Imagemagick if you haven't already installed it.

  3. Create a backup of your images in a separate folder to keep the original images safe.

  4. Run the following command:

    $ convert input.jpg -blur 0x20 -contrast-stretch 0% output.jpg

    This command will apply a blur filter to the image to smooth out the background, and then increase the contrast to sharpen the edges and remove any remaining blurriness.

  5. Use a batch command to apply the same filter to multiple images at once. For example, to apply the filter to all JPEG files in the current directory, run:

    $ mogrify -format jpg -path path/to/output -blur 0x20 -contrast-stretch 0% *.jpg

    This command will apply the same filter to all JPEG files in the current directory and save the edited images to the specified output folder.

  6. Review the edited images to ensure they meet your requirements, and adjust the filter settings if necessary.