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The method for managing errors at a global level in Alamofire is to implement an error interceptor. This allows you to intercept and handle errors before they get delivered to your completion handlers.

To implement an error interceptor, you can extend the Alamofire.SessionManager class and override the adapter function. In the adapter function, you can check for errors and handle them as necessary.

Here is an example implementation:

class CustomSessionManager: Alamofire.SessionManager {

    override func adapter(for urlRequest: URLRequest) throws -> URLRequestConvertible {
        return try super.adapter(for: urlRequest)

    func handleErrorResponse(error: Error) {
        // Handle error here

    override func retry(_ request: Alamofire.Request, with error: Error, completion: @escaping (Alamofire.RetryResult) -> Void) {
        handleErrorResponse(error: error)
        super.retry(request, with: error, completion: completion)

In this implementation, the handleErrorResponse function can be used to handle any errors that are encountered. The retry function is also overridden to call the handleErrorResponse function before passing the error on to Alamofire's default retry logic.

To use this custom session manager, create an instance of it and use it for all of your Alamofire requests:

let sessionManager = CustomSessionManager()
Alamofire.request(url, method: .get, headers: headers)
    .responseJSON { response in
        // Handle response
    .sessionManager = sessionManager