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To shift the focus to a specific item in a ListView on Android, you can use the setSelection() or setSelectionFromTop() method of the ListView object.

Here is an example of using the setSelection() method:

int position = 3; // position of the item you want to focus on

Here is an example of using the setSelectionFromTop() method:

int position = 3; // position of the item you want to focus on
int y = 50; // vertical position of the item on the screen
listView.setSelectionFromTop(position, y);

Both methods take the position of the item you want to focus on as the first parameter. The setSelectionFromTop() method takes a second parameter that specifies the vertical position (in pixels) of the item on the screen.

Note that if the item is not visible in the current screen, you may need to scroll the ListView to show the item before calling the setSelection() or setSelectionFromTop() method. You can use the smoothScrollToPosition() method of the ListView object to scroll to the item smoothly.