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The error message "Invalid HADOOPCOMMONHOME" during the installation of Hadoop 3.3.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 means that the environment variable HADOOPCOMMONHOME is not set correctly. This variable should point to the directory where the Hadoop common library files are located.

To resolve this error, you need to set the HADOOPCOMMONHOME variable to the correct directory path. You can do this by adding the following line to your bashrc file:

export HADOOPCOMMONHOME=/path/to/hadoop-common

Replace /path/to/hadoop-common with the actual directory path where the Hadoop common library files are located.

After adding this line to your bashrc file, save and close the file, and then run the following command to load the new environment variables:

source ~/.bashrc

You should then be able to complete the installation of Hadoop 3.3.5 without encountering the "Invalid HADOOPCOMMONHOME" error.