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To configure an interceptor for all Apache Camel routes that utilize SQS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a class that implements the org.apache.camel.spi.InterceptStrategy interface.
  2. Implement the intercept method of the InterceptStrategy interface to handle the message interception logic.
  3. Add the interceptor to your Camel context by calling the addInterceptStrategy method.
  4. Configure your Camel routes to use the SQS endpoint by configuring the aws-sqs component in your Apache Camel routes.

Here's an example implementation of an interceptor that logs the payload of every message that passes through the route:

public class SqsInterceptor implements InterceptStrategy {
    public Processor wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition,
            Processor target, Processor nextTarget) throws Exception {
        // Only apply the interceptor to SQS endpoints
        if (definition.getEndpointUri().startsWith("aws-sqs")) {
            return new SqsLoggingProcessor(target);
        } else {
            return target;

    private static class SqsLoggingProcessor implements Processor {
        private final Processor target;

        public SqsLoggingProcessor(Processor target) {
   = target;

        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
            // Log the payload of the message
            System.out.println("SQS message payload: " + exchange.getIn().getBody());

To add this interceptor to your Camel context, you can use the following code:

CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
context.addInterceptStrategy(new SqsInterceptor());

To configure the aws-sqs component in your Apache Camel routes, you can use the following syntax:


You'll need to replace queueUrl, accessKey, and secretKey with your own values. The amazonSQSClient property is optional and allows you to configure a custom SQS client instance.