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The codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce package can be utilized to integrate WordPress with Laravel in the following steps:

  1. Install the Laravel framework and create a new project.
  2. Install the laravel-woocommerce package in your project using composer. Run the following command; composer require codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce.
  3. After installation, create a config/woocommerce.php file to configure the package. This file contains your WooCommerce API keys, store URL, and other settings.
  4. Create a new WordPress installation in a subdirectory of your Laravel project. This can be done by either installing WordPress on a subdomain or subdirectory if you are on a shared host or installing WordPress locally using tools such as Docker or MAMP.
  5. Install the WooCommerce plugin in the WordPress installation and configure it to your liking.
  6. Create a new Laravel controller where you can use the WooCommerce API to retrieve data from your store.
  7. You can use the API to retrieve data such as orders, products, customers, and other data from the WooCommerce store.
  8. Finally, you can use the retrieved data in your Laravel views to display information about your WooCommerce store.

By following the above steps, you can integrate WordPress with Laravel using the codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce package.