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To query a field with a nested dictionary structure in MongoDB, you can use the dot notation to access the nested fields within the dictionary.

For example, let's say you have a collection called "customers" with documents that have a "name" field and a "contact" field, which is a dictionary containing "email" and "phone" fields. You can query for customers with a specific email address like this:

db.customers.find({"": ""})

This will return all documents in the "customers" collection where the "email" field within the "contact" dictionary matches the provided email address.

Similarly, you can use dot notation to query for nested fields within nested dictionaries:

db.collection.find({"outer_dict.inner_dict.field": value})

This will query for documents where the value of the "field" field within the "innerdict" dictionary, which is nested within the "outerdict" dictionary, matches the provided value.