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There could be several reasons why the changes are not retained when generating a new free shipping method on WooCommerce, including:

  1. Server Cache: If your server uses a cache plugin that saves a snapshot of your website's data for faster loading, it may not reflect the changes you made when generating a new free shipping method. You can clear the cache and reload the page to see if the changes have been saved.

  2. Plugin Conflict: Sometimes, plugins that add shipping methods can override WooCommerce's default settings, resulting in any changes being overwritten. Try deactivating other shipping plugins and check if the changes have been saved.

  3. Theme Customizations: Some themes come with customizations that may affect WooCommerce's settings, including free shipping methods. Check if there are any customizations made to your theme that may interfere with WooCommerce's settings.

  4. WooCommerce settings: Ensure that free shipping settings are enabled, and the minimum order amount is set.

  5. Database Error: If the changes to the free shipping method are not saved, it could be a database error. Check if your database permissions are correctly set or if there is any issue with hosting.

If none of the above solutions work, consider contacting your developer or WooCommerce support for help.