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The method of obtaining and transmitting context between two forms, utilizing primary and foreign key fields is through the use of database relationships.

  1. First, set up the two forms in a database system such as Microsoft Access or MySQL.

  2. Create a primary key field in one form and a foreign key field in the other form. The primary key field is the unique identifier for each record in the table, while the foreign key field refers to the primary key of another table.

  3. Use the foreign key field in the second form to reference the primary key of the first form. This creates a relationship between the two forms.

  4. When data is entered in the first form, the primary key field is automatically generated. This key can then be used to populate the foreign key field in the second form.

  5. To transmit context between the two forms, reference the primary key of the first form in the second form. This allows the second form to retrieve data from the first form and display it in context.

By utilizing primary and foreign key fields in this way, you allow two forms to communicate with one another and retrieve data from each other in a meaningful and structured way.