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In NetLogo, you can trigger the "reproduce" function when two turtles encounter each other by using the "turtle-encounters" primitive in combination with a conditional "if" statement. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how this can be done:

to go

to move-turtles
  ask turtles [
    fd 1

to check-for-reproduction
  ask turtles [
    let other-turtles other turtles-here
    let mate one-of other-turtles with [color = [color] of myself and age > 1]
    if mate != nobody [
      reproduce-with mate

to reproduce-with [mate]
  hatch 1 [
    set color yellow
    set age 0
    set partner mate
  ask [mate] [
    set partner myself

In this example, the "check-for-reproduction" function is called every tick. It checks whether there are other turtles located at the same position as the current turtle using the "turtles-here" primitive. If there is at least one other turtle with a matching color and age greater than 1, it selects one of them as a mate using the "one-of" primitive and the "with" condition. If a mate is found, it calls the "reproduce-with" function, which creates a new turtle with a yellow color and age 0, and sets the "partner" variable for both the parent turtles.

Note that this is just one possible implementation of turtle reproduction, and the specific details may vary depending on the specific requirements of your model.