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If the elements in an array are identical, generating a new array would depend on the specific task or purpose of the array. Some possible options could include:

  1. Creating a new array with more elements: If the original array had only one element, a new array with more elements could be generated by simply adding more identical elements to the array.

  2. Generating a random array: If the task requires a new array but the values are irrelevant, a new array of random elements could be generated using a random number generator function.

  3. Using a function to manipulate the existing array: If the array needs to be modified in some way, a function that operates on the array could be developed to generate a new array. For example, a function that calculates the cumulative sum of the array could generate a new array.

  4. Cloning the original array: In some cases, it may be necessary to generate a new array that is identical to the original array. In this case, a new array could be generated by simply cloning the original array.