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To utilize jsPDF's html() functionality within LWC, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install jsPDF in your LWC component. You can install it by running the following command in the terminal or command prompt in your project directory:
npm install jspdf --save

This will install the latest version of jsPDF in your project.

  1. Import jsPDF in your LWC component:
import jsPDF from 'jspdf';
  1. Create an instance of jsPDF and call the html() method:
const pdf = new jsPDF();
pdf.html(document.querySelector('#element-to-export'), {
    callback: function(pdf) {'test.pdf');

In the above code, the first argument of the html() method is the HTML element that you want to export to PDF. The second argument is an options object that contains a callback function which is called when the PDF is generated. The callback function saves the PDF with a name 'test.pdf'.

  1. Add an HTML element with an id 'element-to-export' in your template where you want to export the PDF:
        <h1>Export to PDF</h1>
        <div id="element-to-export">
            <!-- HTML content to export to PDF -->

Replace the HTML content inside the '#element-to-export' with the content you want to export to PDF.

  1. Add a button or any other event to trigger the PDF export:
        <h1>Export to PDF</h1>
        <div id="element-to-export">
            <!-- HTML content to export to PDF -->
        <button onclick={exportToPdf}>Export to PDF</button>
  1. Define the exportToPdf() function in your js file to trigger the PDF export:
exportToPdf() {
    const pdf = new jsPDF();
    pdf.html(document.querySelector('#element-to-export'), {
        callback: function(pdf) {

Now, when you click the 'Export to PDF' button, it will generate a PDF with the content inside the '#element-to-export' and save it with the name 'test.pdf'.