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In MongoDB, you can update an object by using the update() or updateOne() method. To update an object with a specific key match, you can use the $set operator in the update query. The $set operator updates a particular field with a new value.

For example, if you have a collection named "users" with documents that look like this:

  _id: ObjectId("1234567890"), 
  name: "John Doe", 
  age: 30, 
  email: "" 

And you want to update the email address of the user with the name "John Doe", you can use the following code:

  { name: "John Doe" }, 
  { $set: { email: "" } }

This query searches for a document with the name "John Doe" and updates the email field with the new value "". If multiple documents match the query, only the first document will be updated. You can use update() for updating multiple documents that match the query.