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To achieve this, you can use the "Default" operation in Jolt along with the "Sort" operation. Here is an example spec that will prioritize the "name" sub-field before other fields:

    "operation": "default",
    "spec": {
      "name": ""
    "operation": "sort",
    "spec": {
      "by": "name",
      "order": "DESCENDING",
      "*": {
        "order": "KEEP"

In this spec, the "Default" operation sets a default value of "" for the "name" sub-field. This is just to ensure that all documents have a "name" field, even if it is empty.

The "Sort" operation then sorts the fields in each document by the value of the "name" sub-field. The "by" parameter specifies that we want to sort by the "name" field, and the "order" parameter specifies that we want to sort in descending order.

The "*": {"order: "KEEP"} line ensures that all other fields are retained in their original order, so the only change to the output is that the "name" sub-field is prioritized at the beginning.

Note that this spec assumes that all input documents have a "name" sub-field. If some documents do not have a "name" field, you may need to modify the "Default" operation to add the missing field, or modify the "Sort" operation to handle missing fields gracefully.