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Here are some tips to improve your use of the Flexbox horizontal property:

  1. Use container properties: Set the container to 'display: flex;' to make it a flex container, and then set 'justify-content' and 'align-items' properties to align and position the child elements the way you want.

  2. Use flex property: Use the 'flex' property on child elements to determine how much space they should take up. The 'flex' property takes three values: the first value specifies how much the child element should grow to fill available space, the second value specifies how much it should shrink if there's not enough space available, and the third value specifies the initial size of the element.

  3. Use flex-wrap: Set the 'flex-wrap' property to 'wrap' to make sure your child elements wrap onto multiple lines as needed. This helps avoid overcrowding and keeps your layout looking organized.

  4. Use order property: Use the 'order' property to change the order in which child elements appear in the layout. This is useful for repositioning elements responsively, without changing the HTML structure.

  5. Use margin auto: Use 'margin: auto;' on child elements to center them horizontally within the container.

  6. Use nested flex containers: You can also create nested flex containers to achieve more complex layouts. This allows you to group child elements and apply different flex properties to each group.

By following these tips, you can improve your use of the Flexbox horizontal property and create more flexible and responsive layouts.