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There could be several reasons why the login form in your ASP.NET Core 6 MVC application is not being updated after being published. Some of the possible reasons include:

  1. Caching: If your application is using client-side caching, your browser may be loading a cached version of the login form. To fix this issue, you can clear your browser cache or disable caching in your application.

  2. Publishing Errors: If there were errors during the publishing process, then your application may not have been updated correctly. You can check the publishing logs to see if there were any errors and fix them accordingly.

  3. Deployment configuration: If you are deploying the application to a different server, there may be issues with the deployment configuration that are preventing the login form from being updated. You can check the deployment settings and make sure everything is correctly set up.

  4. Code issues: If there are issues with the login form code itself, such as errors or outdated code, then it may not be updated correctly when the application is published. You can review the code and update it if needed.

Overall, the exact reason for the login form not being updated after being published will depend on several factors. However, by reviewing the potential issues above, you can identify and fix the problem so that your login form is updated correctly.