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There can be several reasons why a blank page is seen when redirected in NextJS 13 API Route. Some of the potential reasons are:

  1. Improper configuration of the redirect: If the redirection is not configured correctly, it can result in a blank page. It is important to ensure that the URL is correct and the status code is set to 301 or 302.

  2. CORS issue: If the API route is not properly configured for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), it can result in a blank page. It is important to ensure that the proper headers are set in the response.

  3. Authentication issues: If the API route requires authentication and the user is not properly authenticated, it can result in a blank page. It is important to ensure that the authentication is properly handled.

  4. Server-side errors: If there are any server-side errors in the API route, it can result in a blank page. It is important to check the server logs for any errors.

Overall, it is important to properly configure and test the API route to ensure that it is functioning properly and not resulting in a blank page.