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The method for computing the average of time series data at two measuring locations in Apache IoTDB Version 0.12 is as follows:

  1. Connect to IoTDB using a client application or command-line tool.
  2. Select the two measuring locations using the USE <device> command.
  3. Use the SELECT statement to retrieve the data from both time series.
  4. Apply the AVG function to the retrieved data to compute the average.
  5. Display the result using the FETCH statement or export it to a file using the EXPORT statement.

For example, assume that we have two time series, voltage and current, located under the device sensor1. We can compute the average of these series as follows:

USE sensor1;

SELECT AVG(voltage), AVG(current) FROM voltage, current;

This will retrieve the average value of voltage and current at all timestamps and display the result.