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To transfer code from a build pipeline to a local Azure DevOps Git repository, you can follow these steps:

  1. Configure your Azure DevOps Git repository by creating a new repository or connecting to an existing one.

  2. In your build pipeline, add a task to clone the repository by selecting the "Clone repository" option from the available tasks.

  3. Once the repository is cloned, add a task to copy the code from the build pipeline to the local repository. You can use the "Copy files" task for this purpose.

  4. Set the source folder for the "Copy files" task as the location where the code is generated in the build pipeline.

  5. Set the destination folder for the "Copy files" task as the location of the cloned repository on your local machine.

  6. Save and run the build pipeline to transfer the code from the build pipeline to the local Azure DevOps Git repository.

  7. Once the code is transferred, you can commit and push the changes to the remote Azure DevOps Git repository.

By following these steps, you can easily transfer code from a build pipeline to a local Azure DevOps Git repository.