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The Flutter docs mention the following routes as not recommended for general applicability:

  1. PageRouteBuilder with opaque: false - This is because it can lead to inefficiencies in the rendering of the app.

  2. CupertinoPageRoute with fullscreenDialog: true - This is because it is designed to be used specifically with iOS-style full-screen dialogs and may not behave as expected in other situations.

  3. MaterialPageRoute with builder and settings- This is because it does not allow for customization of the transition animation.

  4. Navigator.popAndPushNamed - This is because it can create unnecessary complexity in the navigation stack.

  5. MaterialPageRoute with maintainState: false - This is because it can lead to unexpected behavior if the user navigates back to the screen.

It is important to note that these routes may still be appropriate for specific use cases, but they are not recommended for general applicability.