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There could be several reasons why react-router paths consistently lead to a 404 error. Some common reasons and their solutions are:

  1. Incorrect Route Configuration: Make sure the route configuration matches the URL pattern. A common error is missing a leading slash in the path.

  2. Incorrect Use of Link Component: When using the Link component, ensure that the "to" prop contains the correct path.

  3. Server Configuration: Ensure that the server is configured to handle the routing correctly. In some cases, the server may need to be configured to always serve the index.html file to handle client-side routing.

  4. Typos: Check for typos while coding, one simple mistake can lead the app to an unexpected error.

  5. Mismatch of React Router version: Make sure you have installed the correct version of react-router-dom otherwise the paths might end up in fetch error.

By resolving these issues, the react-router paths should lead to the correct page, and the 404 error should be resolved.