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There are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  1. Verify if the virus detection is correct: Run your code through an online virus scanner to check if there really is a virus in your code. Sometimes, virus scanners can report false positives.

  2. Make sure your code is signed: Signing your code with a certificate can help in establishing its authenticity and prevent it from being blocked.

  3. Provide a clear and detailed description of your code: Including a clear and detailed description of your code in the repository or accompanying documentation can help users understand what they are downloading and alleviate concerns about viruses.

  4. Contact GitHub support: If you are sure that your code is virus-free and there are no other issues with your repository, you can contact GitHub support and ask them to review your repository.

  5. Upload your code to a trusted source: Consider uploading your code to a trusted source like Microsoft or Apple if you are still facing issues with Chrome blocking your downloads from GitHub.