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Browser login with React Native and IdentityServer4 typically works by using the OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect protocol. The process usually involves the following steps:

  1. The React Native app requests authorization from the IdentityServer4 server by sending a request to the server's authorization endpoint.
  2. The IdentityServer4 server prompts the user to authenticate and authorize the app by presenting a login screen.
  3. If the user provides valid login credentials, the server generates an access token and sends it back to the React Native app.
  4. The app can then use this access token to access protected resources on the server or other authorized services.

The process may vary depending on the specific requirements of the application, such as additional security measures, user consent, or other customizations. Overall, browser login with React Native and IdentityServer4 provides a secure and reliable way to authenticate users and ensure the integrity of user data.