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To utilize third-party DLLs in a Universal Windows project written in C++, follow the below steps:

  1. Identify the DLL and its functions you want to use in your project.

  2. Obtain the header files that define the functions and data structures used by the DLL.

  3. Linking the DLL with your project. For this, you need to add the path of the DLL to the Additional Library Directories of your project.

  4. Next, add the name of the DLL to Additional Dependencies of your project in the Linker options.

  5. Add include files of the DLL to your project by right-clicking on project->Add->Existing Item

  6. Now, in your C++ code, add the needed header files of the DLL and utilize the functions provided by the DLL to accomplish your tasks.

Note that a Bridge DLL may be required in some cases to use certain third-party DLLs alongside your Universal Windows project.