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There are several steps involved in dynamically adding a textbox to a collection in a canvas using WPF:

  1. Create a new instance of the textbox control:
TextBox newTextBox = new TextBox();
  1. Set the necessary properties of the new textbox, such as its Width, Height, Text, and FontSize:
newTextBox.Width = 100;
newTextBox.Height = 20;
newTextBox.Text = "New Textbox";
newTextBox.FontSize = 12;
  1. Add the new textbox to the Children collection of the Canvas control:
Canvas.SetLeft(newTextBox, 50); // set the x-coordinate of the new textbox in the canvas
Canvas.SetTop(newTextBox, 50); // set the y-coordinate of the new textbox in the canvas
canvas.Children.Add(newTextBox); // add the new textbox to the canvas

The Canvas.SetLeft and Canvas.SetTop methods are used to set the position of the new textbox within the Canvas control. By default, all new controls added to the canvas are positioned at (0,0), so it is necessary to use these methods to set their positions.