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To transfer the value of a Windows PowerShell variable directly into a file on an FTP server, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell and connect to your FTP server using the following command:

    ' $Session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession '

  2. Once connected, create a new variable and assign it the value you want to transfer to the FTP server.

    '$variable = "Your variable value" '

  3. Use the following command to create a new file on the FTP server and transfer the value from the variable to it:

    ' Set-Content -Path ftp://[ftp server name]/[path to file]/[file name] -Value $variable -Encoding utf8 -Credential $Session.Credentials '

    Here, replace [ftp server name], [path to file] and [file name] with your respective FTP server details.

  4. Enter your FTP server login credentials when prompted and press Enter.

    The value in your variable will be transferred directly to the new file on the FTP server.